Cast the first stone

Let me say this about that.
In yesterday’s blog, LMSTAT was pretty hard on the nation of Islam. Nothing personal. And just to prove it, today we’ll provide evidence that all organized religions are flawed in some ways by showcasing one that is popular here in the good ‘ol US of A – Christianity (go ahead and put up your lightning rods – we’ll wait).
Where would you imagine there might be just a teeny bit of room for improvement in Christianity? One area that pops right out is “hypocrisy”. No hypocrisy in Christianity, you say? OK, lets run a little ‘Common Sense’  test on…   the very bedrock of Christianity – The 10 Commandments.
1) Thou shalt have no gods before me: OK, I can go along with that. But the billions of folks that believe in other religions probably can’t. (non-Christianity religions with over 1 million members include:  Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Judaism, Taoism, Shintoism, Baha’i, Chondogyoism, Tenrikyoism, Cao Daism, and Ahl-e Haggism). Do the math – Christians are outnumbered better than 2 to 1.
2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image: OK, but those guys wearing that crucifix are going to hell. Oh wait, that’s the priest.
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain: Geez, I’ve never really understood the purpose of this one. Why waste a perfectly good Commandment with something not involving blood and guts?
4) Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy:Â Call me a hypocrite, but I ain’t giving up football.
5) Honor thy father and mother: I supposed that would include the followers of Rev. Jim Jones (a good Christian boy) who forced their 276 children to drink cyanide in a South American jungle in 1978.  Hypocrisy “en masse”.
6) Thou shalt not kill: Now this is an interesting one, especially when taken in context with #5. It also puts us half way through the Commandments before we actually get to something that is illegal in the U.S.Â
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery: I struggled with this one at first, because, I wasn’t sure it was actually illegal. However, I decided it wasn’t illegal since two U.S. presidents (Kennedy and Clinton) were caught with their pants down and not prosecuted. Or, was it simply hypocrisy? Hell, if it ain’t illegal – PARTY TIME!!!
8) Thou shalt not steal. I’m good with this one as it’s pretty straightforward. Unless, of course you consider that this country was built on land stolen from the American Indians. Damn! More hypocrisy.
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor:Â Bad news – anyone who has ever gone to a beauty parlor is going to hell.
10) Thou shalt not covet: Sorry Obama, “HOPE” and “COVET” are synonyms. Pick up your ‘hypocrite’ badge and go straight to hell.
I know you Christians out there are squirming in your seats a little bit.  But, you can’t deny the hypocricy in only 20%  of  the fundamental doctrine of Christianity having made it’s way into the laws of your own country.Â
Considering the self-serving remaining 80% of the Commandments, it would seem more useful to put in something about Rape, or Prostitution, or Assault, or Drug abuse You know, stuff that actually can cause more harm than say — watching the interception of a potential game-winning pass in the final seconds of the Super Bowl, jumping up and yelling “Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph!!!” Â
11) Thou shalt not tolerate hypocrisy, even in one’s own religion.
And, that’s all I have to say about that.
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Phoebe 2nd September 2009
Referring to your one point…we have to remember it is our dedicated politicians making our laws..then making amendments to get out of enforcing the laws.
Enjoyed your blog.
Shambo 1st September 2009
Thanks for the excellent response. I have found that most people that consider themselves ‘religious’ refuse to engage in a discussion with anyone with a different point of view. Thanks – you’re a breath of fresh air.
Any religion that can’t stand up to a few common sense questions, isn’t much of a religion. Most organized religions are fearful of being questioned, with the Islamic faith being among the worst. Question anything Islamic and you may be issued a Fatwa. Question any part of Christianity, and you are merely a sinner. Different strokes…..
This blog had only one point. America holds itself up to be a ‘Christian’ nation, yet violation of only 2 out of the Ten Commandments violates U.S. law. That is hypocricy.
Anyway, it’s been a stimulating conversation – thank you for that.
Phoebe 1st September 2009
Okay, I know you are waiting for my response…so here goes.
After reviewing the 10 Commandments, some argue that God is unjust for imposing a standard upon humanity that He knows we can’t fulfill. Doesn’t it seem awfully cruel for a loving God to condemn man for the evil that is inherently part of the human condition? The response to this perplexing question lies in Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus came to earth in order to reconcile this dilemma. Like the perfect lambs that were constantly sacrificed for the sins of Israel, Jesus was perfect and without blemish, because he was sinless. Like the lambs, He was sacrificed for the reparation of sins. Unlike the lambs, however, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ redeemed the sins of all humanity for all time. Unlike the lambs, Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and conquered the power of sin for all humanity for all time. The Bible tells us why Christ had to become a sacrifice: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
For many, the 10 Commandments are symbols of condemnation that point to our faults and mistakes. Some feel so guilty that they believe God will never accept them. Others simply choose to reject God because His Law is impossible to obey. Ironically, the 10 Commandments were never given by God to condemn humanity, but rather, they were given to convict humanity. The 10 Commandments act as a mirror to “reflect” the condition of our souls. When we examine our life in light of the 10 Commandments, we realize our shortcomings and our need for redemption. Jesus Christ is our redeemer. Therefore, God gave the 10 Commandments not to condemn humanity, but to show us His love for us. For, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
A hypocrite is not a person who commits some sins on occasion (all people commit sin occasionally), but someone who practices those sins on a routine basis. A Christian believes our sins will be forgiven.
Making my point of view in love… Remember, love one another… Love ya Shambo!