Top 5 most beautiful cities
Let me say this about that.
Last week, LMSTAT produced a list of the 10 most beautiful places on Earth, based on the personal experiences of the author. These magnificent places are the work of the Creator, and did not make the list because of anything done by man. In fact, they made the list because of the distinctive absence of man’s meddling. I have nothing against the influence of man, in fact I will show you some of their best work. To this end, I give you the top 5 most… beautiful cities in the world (minimum population, 1 million). As usual, based on the personal experiences of the author, and listed in ascending order:
In any discussion of beautiful cities, it is rare that anyone mentions Munich. I have never understood this omission because Munich is the perfect blend of old and new. The ‘old’ is best showcased by the Marianplatz area in the old part of the city. On top of the Town Hall building, you will find the world famous glockenspiel. In the basement of City Hall is one of the best beer halls in all of Munich – a feature that American government structures should emulate. The ‘new’ city features the spotless section that held the ill-fated ’72 Olympics. Munich, being part of the Bavarian region, is home to the best beer gardens in Europe. Just south of the city begins one of the only remaining long stretches of the ‘AutoBahn’ with no speed limit.
Yet another city, rarely nominated as one of the most beautiful, is the capital city of Turkey - Istanbul. I suspect the distance from the U.S. and the Islamic influence accounts for some of the lack of American visitors. Istanbul is the only major city in the world that includes two different continents (Europe & Asia) within it’s city limits. Istanbul is 2,700 years old and was one of the centers of man’s earliest civilization. Don’t miss the ‘Topkapi Palace’ which houses a most impressive display of royal jewels in the world. The ‘Blue Mosque’ (shown here) is also magnificent. You can go inside, but you must follow Islamic clothing tradition to do so. The ‘Grand Bazaar’ is a mostly underground market with over 4,000 shops. If you can’t find it there, you don’t need it. Don’t worry about the Islamic influence being too oppressive – there is even a casino in Istanbul.
3) PUNTA del ESTE, Uruguay:
If you are beginning to see a pattern of “out-of-the-way” places on my list, it is because I think places like New York, LA and Chicago are dumps. You have to get out and explore the world to find jewels like Punta del Este. Two hours drive east of the capital city of Montevideo, this seaside city is popular with Latin Americans for it’s great food, friendly people and awesome scenery. It is a VERY upscale city that even features a residential section called “Beverly Hills”. Mention Uruguay to most Americans, and they will struggle pointing to the country on a globe. It’s a shame because it is one of the best vacation locations I have ever enjoyed.
Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan is old. Not old in the ‘western’ sense of the world, I mean OLD. There is archaeological evidence of human occupation of this location dating to 10,000 BC. There is great respect given to the old Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, as well as some of the most beautiful gardens in the world. Located only a few miles from the bustling industrial city of Osaka, Kyoto gives you a sense of early Japanese lifestyle and spirituality. One of my favorite places in Kyoto is the “Golden Pavilion” (shown). This temple is literally covered with gold leaf and is an unbelievable sight at sunset. Another “don’t miss” attraction is the incredible “Nijo Castle”, home of the first Shogun. The castle was built 150 years before America was founded (I told you this place was old).

Paris, France
1) PARIS, France:
There is simply no way around it. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. As much as I wanted # 1 to be one of the ‘little-discovered’ cities that made up the list to this point, there are just too many compelling reasons for selecting Paris as #1. Paris has an elegance totally missing in large U.S. cities. Landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Arch de Triumph, The Louve and Notre Dame have no equal in any other city in the world, much less the U.S. And, it’s true. If you love good food and wine as much as I do, this place is as close as heaven on earth as you can get.
And, that’s all I have to say about that.
Alex 27th December 2010
Nice selection of cities and I certainly agree on Munich, Kyoto and Paris being part of this list. One issue is there, however, Istanbul is not the capital of Turkey – that would be Ankara.
shambo 28th December 2010
Alex knows his history and geography. The capital of Turkey was moved from Istanbul to Ankara in 1923. Good eye, Alex.
shambo 19th October 2009
The covered pier in the photo is the cruise ship pier, with the casino across the street. Maybe the aerial photo is deceptive. I stand corrected regarding the driving time – it IS a two hour drive to Buenos Aires from Montevideo, not Punta del Este. Thanks for the correction.
You are indeed a lucky man to live in two such beautiful places. Would love to publish any photos you may have of either city… including your place in Beverly Hills district of Punta del Este (could you be that blessed?)
Phil Jordan 19th October 2009
Picture #3 is not Punta del Este. It’s some place that looks a bit like Punta del Este. But Punta del Este is even prettier than that. And it’s not a two-hour drive from Buenos Aires. It takes a 3-hour ferry across the Rio de la Plata to Montevideo and a two-hour drive after that, or a one-hour ferry to Colonia and a four-hour drive.
I live half the year in Buenos Aires, half in Punta del Este.