Honorable Mention: World’s sleaziest bars

Hussong's Cantina, Ensenada, Mexico
Let me say this about that.
Well, dear LMSTAT readers, this marks the end of the week-long miniseries on The World’s Sleaziest Bars. The four that have been featured so far are truly world class…you have the word of a recognized sleazy bar aficionado. Unfortunately, unless I start another blog on this subject alone, I must end this miniseries and move on to other subjects. However, I will close by awarding a couple of “Honorable Mentions”.
Be advised, these are real establishments and are posted here under their real names. If you would like additional detailed information on how to find them, just send me a note by clicking on the “LEAVE A REPLY” at the end of this posting. Excluded, of course, are the bars that are no longer in business (as far as I know) such as “The Compleate Angler: in Bimini.
“Harry’s New York Bar”-Â Paris, France
This was another of the many haunts of Earnest Hemmingway. Apparently he and I had similar tastes in bars. I was there on the 50th anniversary of “D-Day”. My wife and I were the only non-locals in this dark, dank, ancient and smelly watering hole, filled with old WW II French soldiers and resistance fighters. The French have a reputation for being snarly, but on that day, the old soldiers would not let these Americans pay for anything. Thanks, guys, I’ll never forget it.
“Papa Joe’s” – Islamorada, Florida, USA:Â
You may have noticed that this is the first bar recognized as being a ‘world-class’ sleazy bar located in…   the U.S., but this one is truly deserving. This place, which can only charitably be called a ‘dump’, sits in the middle of the Florida Keys. The saltwater environment has eaten away at the it’s wooden structure to the point that you climb the rickety stairs from the boat dock to the open-air bar at your own peril. Motorboat was the preferred means of arrival, but patrons had to beware the strong-armed bartender who revelled in forming snowballs from the crushed ice machine and chucking them at the boats as they departed. Regrettably, the bar is now closed as it’s owner was busted for tax evasion.
“Stars and Bars” – Monte Carlo, Principality of Monaco:
There is some kind of perverted logic in the fact that, in a city so expensive that breakfast can cost over $200, the only sleazy bar in the entire country is owned by a redneck American from the deep south. It’s more fun than the stuffy casino.
“Hussong’s Cantina” – Ensenada, Mexico:
During my first visit to this 117 year old Mexican dive, a woman passed out and fell off her bar stool. No one did anything, apparently because this occurrence was not out of the ordinary. Another woman walked in, stepped over the passed-out patron and took her stool. No good can come from a visit to Hussong’s, so don’t miss it!
“The Town Dump” – Cave Creek, Arizona, USA:
‘Nuff said.
And, that’s all I have to say about that.