Hottie for President

Sarah Palin college photo
Let me say this about that.
OK OK. Call me a deviate. Call me a pervert. Call me a dirty ‘ol man, but I still have sexual fantasies about Sarah Palin. The woman is simply a ‘total bisquit’. If Palin had run as Bill Clinton’s Vice President, we would not have seen the man for eight years. That photo of her in her dorm room during her college days says it all. She is wearing a T-shirt with the caption “I may be broke, but I’m not flat busted.” Turns out, the woman has a flare for understatement. I say, “Sarah Palin for President!!”
Ohhh, I can hear the political pundits now:
“But she’s not qualified. She’s never held a national office. She’s doesn’t know her way around Washington. She can’t name the President of Ethiopia. Her kid is pregnant. She shot a moose.”
Shambo’s response:
“So, what’s your point?”
All throughout the previous administration, we found ourselves in two wars, with a third that may start with the next Iran nuclear inspection. The trade deficit with China is a number too big to print in the Manhattan phone book. The loss of jobs is unprecedented since the great depression. Many of our South American “allies” are lining up in support of… the communist dictatorship of Venezuela. American high school dropout rate is an all time high. And, health care costs went through the roof.
Under the current administration, the unemployment rate has climbed over 10%. The administration has given away $1 TRILLION to God knows who, with little to show for it. Most of America’s banks and car manufacturers have been bought by the government and essentially ‘nationalized’. The “Cash For Clunkers” program has been documented – by the government – as largely only benefiting foreign auto manufacturers. And, Islamic terrorists are attacking our military bases in Texas.
OK, I only have one question for you: “How much worse could Sarah Palin have F*CKED-UP ?!?!”
America, it’s time for a change. I say, if we are going to get a continuous string of bozos in the federal government, why not put someone in the White House that is at least nice to look at. To wit: my support of Sarah Palin for President.
I will be the first to admit that, even though I support Sarah Palin for the Office of the President, there are many other candidates that meet the new Shambo qualification criteria. May I offer a few for your cogitation?
Danica Patrick: Who in the Hell would not vote for this woman? A hot little waif of pure estrogen who can also drive an Indy car 200 mph. A 5′ 2″ and 100 pound hellion, I would put her up against that fat ass Hugo Chavez any day.
Anna Kournikova: I know of no guys, absolutely zero, that watched professional tennis until Anna Kournikova came on the scene. It’s sort of analogous to women’s beach volleyball. I know, I know, Kournikova would be technically disqualified because she was not born in the United States, but that didn’t stop Obama ( OK, my bad. It was a cheap shot, but pretty damn funny).
Jennifer Lopez: OOOH Baby …. this is one Hot Mama! With an ass like that, she could be her own ‘seat-of-government’. Having trouble with the United Nations General Assembly? Just have President Lopez walk to the podium and bend over ….. we take over the world without violating a single article of the Geneva Convention.
Scarlett Johansson: Drop-dead gorgeous with ‘a rack’ that will make you forget ‘Iraq’. This is actually a pretty intellegent choice. Just look at the last actor we put in the White House - and that didn’t turn out so bad. Plus, just think of President Johansson in a tight fitting T-shirt with the Democrat’s slogan blazened across her 38′ DD chest. “YES WE CAN” takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?
And, that’s all I have to say about that.