Let me say this about that. In 2001, the Writer’s Guild of America went on strike against network television. The strike lasted only for 22 days, but it forever changed TV entertainment. The writer’s union mistakenly believed that the drivel their membership pumped into D-list sitcoms was actually entertaining. It wasn’t. And during the strike, the “Reality Show” […]
Let me say this about that. What in the hell is happening in America? Where is that self reliant, hard working, courageous country I saw on September 12, 2001? Somehow, in eight short years we have gone from the proudest nation in the history of man – to – a debt riddled, politically correct, pussy-boy, […]
Let me say this about that. I’ll just come right out and say it. I don’t get country music. I realize it’s wildly popular, but have you ever listened to the lyrics of this drivel? “I miss you baby but my aim is gettin’ better.” “She got the goldmine and I got the shaft.” Not […]
Let me say this about that. Front page news in a Florida Keys newspaper: “The County Commissioners made it official on Tuesday, when they passed a law making it illegal in the Florida Keys to do anything of ‘redeeming value’. Punishment for this second degree misdemeanor would force the convicted to drink 5 gallons of beer until […]