Why is Dale Earnhardt, Jr. so popular?

Let me say this about that.
Wanna have some fun and stir up a little excitement in the bargain? Stroll into any Afghanistan mosque during evening prayers and loudly proclaim “Osama Bin Laden slept with Jerry Falwell !!” There will be a fatwa slapped on your hairy butt quicker than you can say “Death To The Infidels !!”.
Wait, wait , I gotta better one. How about going on the Oprah Show and declaring that Michelle Obama is a narcissistic gas bag and is planning to steal the White House silverware. Within fifteen minutes, Al Sharpton will be on CNN denigrating you as a racist Antichrist.
But, if you really want to stir up a world of hurt – I mean, World War III, weapons of mass destruction kind of trouble — walk into any bar in south Georgia, halfway through Friday night happy hour and shout “Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a… crappy race car driver !!”
Whoa Nellie!! You got big time trouble now.
The first two scenarios would be great fun, just because I love “tweaking-the-brittle-people”. But the third, Earnhardt, Jr. thing? No way, Jose’. Facing a bunch of al Qaeda lunatics is one thing, but going up against a room full of drunken Bubbas gives me the heebie-jeebies.
If you are not a fan of NASCAR racing, you probably don’t know much about Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and you’re probably not a fan……….that would be most of you who have at least a high school education, don’t know your cousins in the “biblical sense”, and don’t live in a house with wheels on it. But for the true NASCAR fanatic, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. is a near deity. He has been voted NASCAR’s Most Popular Driver for over five years in a row.
One might surmise that such popularity would be built on a high level of skill and a long history of winning races. You’d be wrong. Over the past five seasons, a number of drivers have distinguished themselves as true champions. For example, Jimmy Johnson has won 28 races, Carl Edwards has won 16, Kyle Busch has won 15, Tony Stewart has won 15 and Jeff Gordon has won 13 races. None has EVER been voted Most Popular Driver. But, Earnhardt, Jr. with a puny 3 win total, has won the award all five years.
So what makes him so popular, since clearly his fans do not value winning, talent, or results. Oh, wait. I just answered my own question !!
I guess the same explanation would be valid in explaining the popularity of, say: Paris Hilton, or the Chicago Cubs, or Ted Kennedy, or for that matter, Al Sharpton.
And, that’s all I have to say about that.
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KonstantinMiller 6th July 2009
I have been looking looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.
Billy Mac 29th June 2009
Living in the birthplace of NASCAR I tend to think of myself as a redneck Bubba and what a wonderful feeling it is! We long for our legends (ex Robert E Lee, Lewis Grizzard and of course Dale Sr.) to never leave us and have eternal hope that they will return. I will be the first to say that Jr. is NOT Sr. but we still love that Earnhardt name and we still wait for Jr. to “rattle a few cages” like dear old dad! But for me to be a born again redneck who likes to ride my Harley, watch wrestling and actually chew tobacco, don’t mess with little E…next thing you know, this Shambo dude will tell us about the evils of sweet tea!
Derb 26th June 2009
I do NOT get it! The ONLY explanation is that Bubbas are actually unexposed (until now) closet fags! How else could they idolize this unaccomplished clown when perfectly good material like found at http://www.offshorebettor.com/images/danica/danica109.jpg is available for idolization by what are supposedly men with normal men’s yearnings! I guess she should’ve tattoo’d her butt with the confederate flag instead — then the Bubba closet monkeys would have an excuse to come out and look at something worth a normal male’s time to idolize!
Phoebe 26th June 2009
No you didn’t say that about this!! Can’t wait to see what Bubba Mac says! The fried chicken legs will be flying! DE Sr. was the Legend and you don’t mess with blood kin!