Miracle cure
Let me say this about that.
In the U.S., we have a growing list of problems that were unheard of, even just a few decades ago. We used to solve our problems with the self-reliant, take charge, good work ethic, and character of our forefathers. But those days are long gone.
For example, we hear a lot about being overweight these days. There is no denying that we Americans are a porky lot. And as such, pharmaceutical aids for dieting and losing weight have become a huge business in the U.S. According to a recent New York Times article, Americans spent $25 billion on diet aids in 2008. Why? Because Americans want immediate results, and apparently are willing to… buy $25 billion worth of pills to get those results. Unfortunately, much of this stuff is not regulated by the FDA, or any other government oversight institution. And, some of the ingredients can get pretty bizarre:
“Lardo-spanker….contains essence of raccoon placenta for rapid weight loss.”
“Ultra-whacker….promotes higher metabolism with dingleberry root.”
I have discovered a ‘miracle cure’ for obesity that is near 100% effective – and – costs absolutely zero dollars. Plus, I will divulge this secret miracle cure to you free of charge …………………….. DIET AND EXERCISE!!
Please, please. No need to thank me.
Another endemic problem in the U.S. is out-of-control credit card debt. This problem has become so rampant, that many Americans have resorted to hiring “debt consolidaters’. These guys are opportunists that prey on the stupid (just my opinion, of course). Their claim is that they help their clients restructure credit card debt. For this service, they charge you 8% to 15% of (guess what?) YOUR CREDIT CARD DEBT !!!
The only real solution to credit card debt is, of course, STOP USING YOUR CREDIT CARD, DUMMY ! People still want to buy new stuff, but fear if they don’t pay down their existing debt, the banks will ruin their credit and take away their charge cards. My response is, hey: ……………..PROBLEM SOLVED !
Again, no need to thank me.
Some folks have problems so severe that they feel the need to engage a “Life Coach”. Life Coaching is a personal service that helps people address major problems they face in…….well, life. This service, by the way, requires no schooling, no training, no license, and receives no government oversight. In other words, Charles Manson could become a Life Coach if he wanted. Advice from a Life coach costs upwards of $1,000/month for weekly 1-hour sessions – payable in advance. I have read examples of Life Coaching that includes such hard-hitting advice as: “Smile at 10 people a day”, and my favorite, “Get out of bed earlier.” Epiphanies like this for only $1,000/month? I gotta get me some of that !!
If you are such a nincompoop that you can’t even decide life issues like – when to get out of bed – or any other aspect of how to conduct your daily life, I have a way to save you $1,000/month in Life Coaching bills. Go ask your mother-in-law….she will gladly provide this service for free.
Again, no need to thank me.
And, that’s all I have to say about that.
Phoebe 6th July 2009
Gotta luv those Big “Macs”…no pun intended!