Updated words of wisdom

Let me say this about that.
In 1973, Paul Simon recorded the song “Kodachrome” that contained the lyric, ‘When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all.’ Amen, Brother Simon. The older I get, the truer this becomes. And it’s not just the stuff from high school, it’s most of the crap we were taught as kids. Regrettably, I see the same old jargon being passed down to the kids of today. If it’s not too late already, I propose we update some of these old axioms before today’s generation of kids become a addled as we were. Here are a few old sayings I would update:…
“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.”
This one should be updated to be more relavent to today’s world by reading:
“No insurance to pay, keeps the doctor away.”
How about this old adage:
“A penny saved is a penny earned.”
Updated to read:
“A penny saved is a penny earned. But a penny earned is a penny taxed.”
This one was a favorite of my grandmother:
“A stitch in time, saves nine.”
A modification more relevant to today’s world might be:
“A stitch in time, requires a three hour wait in the emergency room.”
If there were ever an old adage that needed to be updated, this is it:
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
The modern version would read:
“All work and no play makes Jack a very small minority.”
One more of my Grannie’s favorites:
“A watched pot never boils.”
It’s modernized with this slight modification:
“A watched pot means your cable is out.”
A dramatic decrease in the education level of today’s high school kids requires a significant change to update the old proverb:
“A person is known by the company he keeps.”
The modern version would read:
“A person is known by the name on the Burger King badge he wears.”
New management theory in capitalist countries demanded a modification of one of the most famous of all dictums:
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”
A new version might look like this:
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can pawn-off on the ‘new guy’ today.”
Some old axioms are just too goofy to update and should be abolished all together. For example:
“Never look a gift horse in the mouth.”
Where in the hell did this come from? I know what a horse is; I know what a gift is; and I know what a mouth is. But what is a ‘gift horse mouth’ ? No clue. I suggest changing this saying to:
“Never sing to a wet mule on Thursday.”
Today’s politically correct environment demands new interpretation and amplified sensitivity for a few ancient proverbs such as:
“The pot calling the kettle black.”
Must be changed to:
“We don’t use the term ‘black’ anymore.”
Our hardworking parents taught their kids that:
“The early bird gets the worm.”
But today’s kids seem more akin to worms than birds. Maybe modern interpretation might rotate this adage to the worms point of view:
“The early bird gets the worm. So a worm who is perpetually late avoids those nasty birds and has all the traits of a good postal worker.”
And, that’s all I have to say about that.