Oct 19th

Let me say this about that.
You may not believe this, but there are actually stores in the United States that sell totally worthless crap. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP! If you are a guy, it’s inconceivable that there can be a business that makes a profit by selling objects which have no purpose. I’m not talking about cheap stuff here either. I’m talking about worthless crap with price tags that require a second mortgage. Let me give you a couple of examples just so you don’t think I’ve been smoking crack.
The Mecca of business enterprises selling worthless crap is Bed, Bath, and Beyond. These guys are the 800 pound gorillas of paraphernalia that occupies space, but doesn’t do anything else. For example:
Log Home Dog House – $250.00: It’s just what it says folks – a log cabin for a dog. WRONG ! I’ll be damned if I’m… (more…)
Oct 18th
Let me say this about that.
Last week, LMSTAT produced a list of the 10 most beautiful places on Earth, based on the personal experiences of the author. These magnificent places are the work of the Creator, and did not make the list because of anything done by man. In fact, they made the list because of the distinctive absence of man’s meddling. I have nothing against the influence of man, in fact I will show you some of their best work. To this end, I give you the top 5 most… (more…)
Oct 16th
Let me say this about that.
If you have read the previous two postings, you know we have counted down the most beautiful places in the world from number ten through number two. To review, the nine locations honored so far are listed in descending order:
10) Avenue of the Giants, Humboldt, California
9) Puerto de Soller, Majorca, Spain
8) Glacier Bay, Alaska
7) Phuket, Thailand
6) Coki Bay, U.S. Virgin Island
5) Norwegian Fjords
4) Bora Bora, French Polynesia
3) Agincourt Reef, Queensland, Australia
2) Bernese Oberland, Swiss Alps
So now, it is time to name… (more…)
Oct 14th
Let me say this about that.
Yesterday, LMSTAT began a listing of the 10 most beautiful places in the world, based on the personal experiences of the author. As such, it could be argued that the selection of these locations as the ’10 most beautiful’ is biased and subject to revision with locations contributed by the readership. I readily admit this flaw and welcome input from you good folks if you have visited some ‘paradise’ that did not make my list. However before you do, take a look at the remaining five locations that make up the best of the ’10 most beautiful places’. If you have been anywhere more beautiful than these, please send me a photo and description and I’ll publish a revised list …. right after I… (more…)
Oct 13th
Let me say this about that.
If you read the blog on “The scariest place on earth”, I included a list of countries I have personally visited in order to establish a degree of credibility in selecting a location that was deserving of this title. Due to the subject matter, it was a necessarily negative blog and a bit of a downer. I was thinking I could use this same list of countries to establish credibility to write about something much more pleasant …. a list of “The 10 Most beautiful Places on Earth”.
You may have never even heard of some of these places, but I can assure you from personal experiences, every one of them is worth putting in your “Bucket List.” Also, out of reverence for each location, I am going to break-down this list into two parts, with the first five… (more…)
Oct 12th

Let me say this about that.
Does it surprise anyone that the U.S. auto industry is in the toilet? Can anyone remember when the U.S. auto industry was NOT in the toilet? It seems that every time there is a useful innovation that comes out of the auto industry, it comes from either Japanese or German auto manufacturers. What American car makers need is to stop listening to their executives about how to design their cars and start listening the their customers (what few they have left).
OK Detroit, LMSTAT will get the ball rolling with a few suggestions for your next generation of cars that should jump start your business. Add these features to your cars and I guarantee… (more…)
Oct 11th

Let me say this about that.
As a young man, I was always interested in hearing the advice of my elders. I figured that if they lived to be that old, they must know a few things, otherwise they would not have lived long enough to be…….well, old. I did not always heed this advice, at my own peril most of the time, but I always was glad to hear the old folk’s perspective. Much of this advice must be tempered by understanding the perspective of the person giving it. For example;
“If it ain’t broke, improve it.”
I learned this philosophy by spending half a decade in the best Systems Engineering schools in the country. So, it’s not surprising that the credibility of the advice is unquestioned and I made my living for 35 years doing just that…improving things.
But sometimes I got advice from folks that did not have the veracity of the first example. This gem came from my grandmother who never went to high school, much less graduated:
“Never go near the water until you learn how to swim.”
I had an uncle who was perpetually in trouble with any sort of authority figure, including the police. He taught me something that saved… (more…)
Oct 8th

Let me say this about that.
I believe it is a noble pursuit to promote improvement and progress in all phases of our time here on the ’3rd rock from the Sun’. LMSTAT attempts to do it’s share ……. sometimes, by pouring some much needed sunshine on the crap our government, religious, and business institutions cram down our throats, and, sometimes, by asking hard questions of the narcissistic gasbags that represent them. Sometimes, by observing simple things - like animals - we can be taught to be better people. And sometimes, by updating and modernizing old ‘Rules-To-Live-By’ (that have served us well, but need to re-phrased), we can be more relevant in today’s world.
This is the mission of today’s blog. Taking old nursery rhymes that were taught to us as children and re-phrasing them to be more useful to today’s toddlers.
“Hickery-dickery dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, and the rest escaped with minor injuries.”
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again….. principally because… (more…)
Oct 7th

Let me say this about that.
Yes, it’s true. LMSTAT has poked fun at the eccentricities of nearly all professions – doctors, lawyers, politicians, preachers, cops, businessmen, college professors … well, you name it. The one profession that has not been lampooned by LMSTAT is ‘Engineering’. It has been pointed out to me that, being a retired engineer, I would be remiss in my duties as pundit if I did not point out a few flaws of the people who make their living in this noble profession. OK, OK, I hear you, so here goes.
First of all, engineers are a pragmatic lot, and it starts with their education. In college, they choose their course work for the benefit it will provide in their jobs after graduation. Non-technical course work is… (more…)
Oct 6th

Let me say this about that.
I, for one, believe the Obama administration is doing a bang-up job handling our economy. Their methodology is so simple, it’s a wonder no past administration had ever thought of it. The fundamental strategy is to give away money and “HOPE” that things will get better. The qualification for getting some of this free money is basically the rejection of any sort of responsibility for ones’ own actions. The banker screws-up, bail him out of trouble with free money. The car manufacturer screws-up, bail him out with free money. The insurance company and brokerage screws-up, bail them out with free money – and – give them a bonus.
And oh, about the bonus thing. Obama explained that it was really retention bonuses paid out to prevent the best managers in those companies from leaving. I think I got it……. pay a bonus to the leaders of the firm, that caused the problem in the first place, to stay a little longer so they can… (more…)