P.O.F. Airlines
Let me say this about that.
When, in America, did marketing and advertising become a euphemism for tolerated prevarication? When did every advertisement we see in print or in the broadcast medium become a bald-faced lie – and – when exactly did we decide that we were OK with it? If the pharmaceutical industry’s advertisements are to be believed, for example, then the world must now be devoid of disease, pain, malady, soreness, attention deficiency disorder or irritable bowel syndrome. The fact is, the world’s population has all manner of health problems and the pharmaceutical industry is a big pack of (don’t want to get too technical here) LIARS !! But the really sad part is that we really don’t seem to mind.
I don’t mean to pick on the poor ‘ol pharmaceutical industry. Most U.S. industries are as bad or worse. Let me give you an example of one industry that has gotten so bad, it is now completely incapable of telling the truth – (more…)