Let me say this about that. whine: [hwahyn, wahyn] – verb. To utter, in a nasal tone, unfounded complaints. To snivel in a peevish and self-pitying way. To accuse, without basis, someone else for one’s own self-created problems. They have been with us all our lives – WHINERS. In grammar school there was always some kid who […]
Let me say this about that. NASCAR fans get a lot of flack for being a bunch of ignorant, tobacco chewing, pick-up truck driving rednecks. I vehemently disagree !! In fact, I have devised an IQ test to measure the intelligence of NASCAR fans which I believe will lay to rest the reputation – for good […]
photobucket Let me say this about that. Twenty years ago, I saw a cartoon in the newspaper that depicted a father scolding his son who he caught studying a mathematics text book. The caption read: “Put down that text book, go outside and practice your jump shot”. The point of the cartoon, of course, was a tongue-in-cheek […]
Let me say this about that. In order to write a successful blog, one must be fearless. Readable blog content cannot be diluted with political correctness, swayed by personal bias, nor shrink from controversy. In my LMSTAT blog, I have taken on some of the most powerful people and institutions in the world including the U.S. federal […]
Let me say this about that. On the whole, I believe many of America’s workers are under paid – based on the value they add, based on the profit they generate for their employer, based on the results they achieve. Conversely, I believe many Americans are grossly overpaid, based on the same criteria. If you […]
Let me say this about that. Wanna have some fun and stir up a little excitement in the bargain? Stroll into any Afghanistan mosque during evening prayers and loudly proclaim “Osama Bin Laden slept with Jerry Falwell !!” There will be a fatwa slapped on your hairy butt quicker than you can say “Death To The Infidels !!”. […]